You can make your mods available to the public, for your friends only, or completely. They're not downloading when I subscribe, and unsubscribing doesn't remove them from my workshop folder.

When I zipped in the contents of the Police Tweaks mod into the mods folder, the game saw it. This is the place where you upload your games or download them for free. Steam Workshop subscriptions not downloading or being removed : r/SFM by passiveroamer Steam Workshop subscriptions not downloading or being removed My SFM subscriptions are 'frozen' to put it simply. You can see all subscribed mods on CK2 workshop under: Browse -> Subscribed articles. Unsubscribe, verify that the mod folder was deleted, launch game, resubscribe, launch game. The mods are:ĪTS Police Tweaks (contains a single file, of police). Click Subscribed Again to Unsubscribe You will be able to see the mod you subscribed to most recently. So far, I used all these mods without problems. 1 2 3 4 5 6 This is my favourite topic squid830 EEEExcellent squid830 Registered: Jul 2009 From Australia Posted SeptemAlienMind: Well. Delete A Mod Now click on the ‘subscribed items’ on the right-hand side of the page. This didnt end up working for me, it stays unchecked but initiates installing the addons on game startup anyway.

Since ATS was updated to 1.44.1, my Mod Manager behaves strangely: it cannot detect certain mods that I'm subscribed to, yet they appear in the active mods' list, without logo, and with the red exclamation point. Probably a stupid question because its so obvious, but did you try just restarting Steam itself I get this a lot and restarting Steam always fixes it. 1 You can try, within steam, going to Library->Games, then Right click on Garrys Mod, go to Properties in the drop-down, navigate to the Updates tab then un-check 'Enable Steam Cloud sync for Garrys Mod'.